Andrew Mack (1939-2021) was a peace researcher and peace advocate. Most recently, he was adjunct professor at Simon Fraser University. He was founder and editor of the Human Security Report. Previously, Andy served in the Secretary General’s Office at the United Nations. He traveled the world and lived life fully. He is survived by his wife, Laura Mack.


This website was created by friends of Andy to honor and remember him together. We welcome notes and pictures to add to the gallery, please send them to gmilante by way of gmail.

A bursary has been established to support peace researchers at Simon Fraser university, you can donate online at this link:

Professor Andrew Mack Memorial Fund


Donate by cheque:

Pay to Simon Fraser University,

Memo: Professor Andrew Mack Memorial Fund

Mailed to:

Professor Andrew Mack Memorial Fund

c/o Ellen Yap

School for International Studies

Simon Fraser University

515 West Hastings Street, Suite 7200

Vancouver BC Canada V6B 5K3